Stanley Aeroboy | |
Stanley Aeroboy Stanley Aeroboy Row on row in his front yard all the girls patiently stood Flashing through the trees Stanley never spoke a word of his goings-on to his mum Stanley Aeroboys Stanley Aeroboy W/69 - Eastman Circle & Wellesley Office Park Richard Griggs |
Several elements came together in the crafting of this song. The general tone was set by my great love for the Who, particularly the twisted quality of many of the songs written by both Pete Townshend and John Entwhistle (Whisky Man, Happy Jack, Boris the Spider, and Cousin Kevin are particular favorites). So this is my "Who song." The main character and situation draw on my childhood comic book collecting (cf. Airboy) and penchant for dressing up in superhero outfits complete with red and yellow silk capes. Add to this my frequent trips to the duck pond at Echo Lake Park in Union County, NJ and the stage was set. The final impetus came from one of my co-workers on the night cleaning crew at Wellesley Office Park, a pleasant but somewhat dim fellow named Stanley. <RZ> |